

26 Bizarre, Funny Fears From A to Z Reflections

The Complete List Of 26 Funny, Bizarre Fears From A to Z 

     There you have it.  26 days of bringing you new strange and funny alphabetical fears for the 2014 A to Z Challenge has come to a close and I made it again.  Today I am going to be reflecting on the process of creating my list and the experiences that I had during the A to Z Challenge this year.  Check out all the funny and weird fears from this years challenge with the links above to catch up if you missed any or just want to check them out again.
     As I implied earlier, this was my second year participating in the A to Z Challenge and unlike last year, this year I went with a theme.  Having now done it both ways I can tell you that at least for me, having a theme is the only way to go if you are going to try to do this challenge.  I just found that with that theme it gave you more structure to help making it through the challenge successfully all that much easier.  I also found that I had much more time for participating in visiting all the blogs and responding to my comments from the people good enough to visit me and leave me a comment.
     The thing about the challenge that was the same this year was all the other great bloggers who also participate in the A to Z Challenge.  I made a whole lot of new blogging friends just like I did last year, which is why I did it again in the first place, and why I will probably be back for next years A to Z.  If I do though, you can bet it will be with a theme.  I vow before you to never A to Z themeless again.  Hopefully you enjoyed my theme and laughed at all the funny ones I chose to write about and share here with you this year.  If you became a Laughing at Life 2 member during the challenge, welcome to the family.  If you have any suggestions for what my theme next year should be leave it below in the comments.  Thanks for stopping by and come back often soon.


  1. This was my first A to Z and I agree, doing a theme makes it easier and more fun.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. You are so right. I was so stressed my first year doing the A to Z because I had no theme. Not gonna do that again for sure.

  2. You had a good theme, and some funny posts. Blog on.

    1. Thanks Flip, I feel the same way about you brother. I really enjoyed your stuff during A to Z nd I will continue to check you out too.


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