


The fear of relatives.

     This fear is one I think sadly that a lot of people can probably at least understand someone suffering from.  Family can be a funny thing because it's all just the luck of the draw what you end up with in your family.  It's just a wild genetic crapshoot who your family is and if you have any doubts, attend one family reunion.  It's amazing how so many people who share common DNA can also be so wildly different from one another.
     We all know that family member that if you were having company or a party you would be afraid of them finding out about it and showing up.  That's fear right there so we're all just a little syngenesophobic a little bit maybe.  I'm not scared of any of my relatives in particular though.  Most of them are normal, sweet, caring people.  I think that in a fight, I could take any of my relatives easy.  I never feel intimidated at all while I'm eating fried chicken at grandma's table so I guess I'm not all that syngenesophic.  It's very interesting thing to me that some people are afraid of their family though.  To those people I can only ask, how was your Easter weekend?

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  1. My family is annoying, rarely frightening.

    1. I get that. Maybe a mafia family would be frightening.

  2. Never underestimate your grandma!

    1. Your right she could just be faking that she's sweet and frail.

  3. I don't fear my relatives, I'm just not interested in them. Sad I suppose, and I'll probably regret it someday. Growing up, I never went to family reunions because I stayed home to take care of the horses. My choice. Now I'm just too busy - and still would rather take care of the horses! My mom lives with us, so I've got all the close relatives I can handle!
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. I don't have a close family either so I get that

  4. A really interesting post, Nice to meet and connect through atozchallenge. glad I'm following you - I will pop back

    1. I'm glad you're following me too! Hope to see you back soon!

  5. I might have a mild case of this. I have a large extended family, which is why I decided as a little girl that I want to elope instead of having a family wedding... :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Tales of colors
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. That makes sense to me but, I have always kind of disliked all the pageantry that goes along with a wedding. The marriage is the important part.

  6. Interesting. There are a few that I wonder "oh what now" when they call or I see them in my family and a few drama types. However, overall my family is pretty great. I have never feared any of them. Makes it hard now that I've moved to Oregon cause no one in my family lives in the state. The only reason I'd consider living in Utah is because of family and how nice it is to be near them, cause.. yeah, Utah... Miss family. Strange fear.

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn blog

  7. I don't have a fear of my relatives, per se, but we do joke that the anticipation of getting together is far better than the reality.


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