


The fear of definite plans.

     I wouldn't say that I am afraid of making definite plans but I would say that I'm really bad at it.  Honestly, I think it's because I possibly may even have a little bit of an aversion to it.  I like to keep it loose when I'm out in about or living in general.  I get it together for work and am professional but, in my free time, I like to do what I like as much as possible and, because of my OCD, plans are hard because I am easily distracted.  It just seems like a lot of the times that I make plans to do one thing I end up wishing I was doing something else.
     I'm not afraid to make plans though.  I will meet you at the library tomorrow at 3pm sharp with no problem.  I can even take you out for hotdogs and pizza saturday evening at 7 if you'd prefer.  I'll be on time too.  I will even pretend to be having a good time for as long as I can stand to.  See, like I said before, I have an aversion to making plans but, luckily for all the people who get to enjoy my company, I'm not scared to come to your kids birthday party on the 5th at 1:00 sharp either.  There are some people who are afraid to make a set plan though and to me, that is really a testament to how wild and strange the human brain is.  Plus, it opens up so many other questions such as, could a teleophobic person manage to get a job, could they even bake a potato, or make it to an important court date?  Sadly, we just may never know.  I would interview one to find out for sure but I just can't get any of them to schedule a time to sit down and talk.

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  1. I'm planning on having this fear sometime in the future.

  2. Is there an opposite, fear of not having a definite plan? Cuz I know several people like that.

    1. LOL, I know right. Like my boss for example. He's always do this by then etc... What a drag.

  3. I love making plans. I make plans for things years out. I hunt for homes for after retirement and plan budgets a decade away. I enjoy the process and don't care (too much) when I don't get to implement them. My husband says I suffer from Analysis Paralysis. And sprinkle in a tiny bit of control freak - but I'm working on that one. I'm ok w/o a plan as long as I plan not to have a plan.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. Dang, organized much. Seriously though, I'm jealous. I need to make plans but never do.

  4. That is an interesting one. I always liked plans, though had a friend in high school who helped me come to appreciate the spontaneous times too. She would come to my house at random and decide we had to go do something. Fun times. But I also like to have a plan. Need to plan more in fact. hmmm

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn blog

    1. Spontaneity is really good too but unless money is no object it's really hard to do.


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