


The fear of frogs

     This fear is dedicated to a follower of Laughing at Life 2's, my beautiful blogging pal, FK who happens to suffer from ranidaphobia and she had asked me when we did our theme reveals if I would be covering the fear of frogs in my list of bizarre alphabetical fears.  So here you go FK this is for you from me in front of everyone.  Enjoy..,  
     Yes, as FK already knows and I'm telling you right now, there is actually a fear of frogs.  Now, I can kinda get this one a little bit maybe since frogs are all warty, slimy and bug-eyed ugly, not to mention that they can jump like really super high.  That's the big thing that people tend to forget about frog is how amazing they are at jumping.  I bet that a frog could jump right into your soup from 5 yards away, easy.  But, despite that I just don't worry about frogs enough to say that I'm afraid of them but I could understand maybe avoiding them. But to be scared of something smaller than my shoe that is also way more afraid of my giant ass than I am of it's tiny green one is a little weird...
     Unless your a girl, like FK, then yeah I get it.  Because, well you know, yuck!

Thanks for checking out part R in my 26 part series on bizarre and funny fears for this years A to Z challenge.  Before you go comment below plus share us, follow us, and  then visit us often soon!


  1. I know lots of people who think frogs are good luck and collect little frog trinkets - but I'm betting most of them have never held a live, slimy frog. I don't have a problem with them, but I don't appreciate the toads that show up at our place. My dog loves them and if she gets one in her mouth, she froths and drools for hours. Not allowed in the house til it's over!
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. That is funny about your dog but, I think I'd let him enjoy his frog outside too because that sounds pretty gross. Funny though!

  2. I don't fear frogs but I am not really fond of them. I have a granddaughter who has always loved to carry them around in the supper. My greatest fear is of mice...YIKES

    1. Thats cute about your granddaughter and her frogs. I also agree that mice suck.

  3. Cause mice aren't smaller than a shoe... I mean. ;-)

    My stepsister loved frogs and toads. She had pet ones named Bud and Weiser when she was a kid. Weiser didn't survive long but Bud lived much longer than anyone suspected. Sister even once tried to save one of the toads from a snake, then when the toad died she buried it and made a little tombstone for the guy. Ah, memories.

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn

    1. What a cool story, thanks for sharing it. It is wild the things we become close to as pets.

  4. Ha ha. I couldn't make it past the first paragraph. And you know what, I never even considered how frogs are great jumpers. Great. Just great.

    1. Awww, I didn't mean to add to your fear. They are though, they are awesome at jumping. It's like what they do.

  5. LOL frogs aren't so bad, I'll take them over many other creepy crawlies!

  6. I'm more concerned about frogs (and toads) peeing on me when I pick them up than I am of the frog itself. Ick.

  7. Are people with this fear, afraid of concrete garden frogs?

    1. I'm terrified of real or realistic looking frogs. So while a concrete frog wouldn't necessarily scare me, it would seriously creep me out.

    2. I guess she beat me to answering that. Yes it seems, they are.


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