


This year for the A to Z Challenge I have decided to get a little personal with my loyal readers. During this years A to Z I am going to explore 26 of my many pet peeves. I hate almost everything so filling the alphabet will be a breeze. Today the letter is K so lets do Karate.
     I don't really have a problem with Karate itself. Karate is a beautiful ancient martial art form as Mr Miyagi so patiently taught us and Daniel Son in that movie about Karate Kid's. No, Karate itself isn't to blame, my beef with Karate is actually with the douchebag adults who take it along with the kids and then act like lethal bad asses like Chuck Norris or something all because they have a yellow belt and beat a 12yr old in sparring.
     It's like, OK Cobra Kai back it off a little bit, you're not captain badass just because you take Tae Kwon Do at the Y. You are not Bruce Lee and Sensei Steve isn't really a 'Grand Master'. Well he is, but so is Sensei's Bob and Susan too. It's not that hard to earn a certificate to teach Karate. Actually, a lot of people don't know this but you can actually bullshit your way into being a Karate instructor at some places just looking to add a class to build up customers.


  1. I'm kind of doing the same thing for my A-Z. Finding things to rant about. Unfortunately, every time I think of Karate instructors, I now think of Rex Kwon Do from Napoleon Dynamite. "Grab my arm. The other arm. MY other arm."

  2. You are a riot! The things that you hate! Great theme... I know what you mean about the parents and in many of the sports!
    Thanks for swinging by my blog, are just too funny!

    1. You just made my day! I am so glad you liked it. I rarely get to hear what people think around this little blog because people just seem to use me up and leave. I actually do the A to Z each year because of all the great comments.

  3. Monday 13th April 2015

    Dear Shawn,

    Thank you for your kind words about my K-post. I am having trouble keeping up. I don't really have the time to do the A to Z properly.

    Good Luck with your pet-peeves-posts!

    Best wishes,

    1. I had to delete my first reply to your comment because I got my wires crossed. I was so stressed out doing my first A to Z and have been during every one since, no matter how prepared I was. It stresses me out. It's hard.

  4. Here, here!! A true badass doesn't need karate or anything else. I know, I married one 31 years ago. Just a glare will work if you have the kuhannas to back it up.
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  5. Hahaha! Great post! I'm not one for a lot of physical activity so I'm with you on this one.But metaphorically speaking, as Mr. Miyagi would say, "wax on, wax off" :)
    Blog hopping from a to z.

  6. Hahaha! Great post! I'm not one for a lot of physical activity so I'm with you on this one.But metaphorically speaking, as Mr. Miyagi would say, "wax on, wax off" :)
    Blog hopping from a to z.

  7. Ha ha! I agree. Bullying freely is not what is expected from one after being knowing karate.


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