


     This year for the A to Z Challenge I have decided to get a little personal with my loyal readers. During this years A to Z I am going to explore 26 of my many pet peeves. I hate almost everything so filling up the alphabet will be a breeze. Today's letter is J so why don't we do Jerks.
     Jerks are a huge pet peeve of mine. A jerk just sets out to ruin things for other people. Whether it be a nasty co-worker, a fellow customer in a store, or wherever you happen to run across a jerk that is usually what you will find them doing. Just hindering or irritating someone or just flat out ruining things for everyone else. Jerks are self centered which is what leads to this oblivious and selfish behaviour. They seem incapable of human empathy or seeing anything from anyone elses point of view. 
     When you are dealing with a jerk your options can become very limited. You see, a jerk doesn't need a very good reason to screw things up for folks. A jerk enjoys making others miserable and takes most opportunities to spew their bile with great enthusiasm. So as you see, jerks enjoy conflict and seek it out so fucking up your day in order to get their rush from being an ass is their favorite activity. Manipulating logic, reason, and morals are all very easy for a jerk because they only really care about upsetting you, and aren't very invested in what is actually being argued. Which leads to very frustrating and extremely uncreative and unproductive discussions. That is the main reason that I hate jerks.


  1. I think most jerks are just really selfish. Maybe they don't set out to ruin someone's day, but they just don't care if they do. They don't mind if they inconvenience 10 people, as long as they are not inconvenienced. I had a boss that way a few years back. Don't miss him at all.

    1. Good point. It does seem that they are oblivious to what their actions do to others.

  2. I think that some people don't mean to be a jerk to others, they're just thinking of themselves and don't realise that the things they say or the way they behave has an impact on others. At least, that's what I tell myself to keep from being bothered by jerkish people. ;-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. I can see that. Thanks for stopping by Cait.

  3. I have yet to figure out why being a jerk is so much fun, but it must be because an awful lot of people strive to be one.

    1. It does seem that way doesn't it. It also seems that they do better in life. I have a conscience though and empathy so I can't be one.


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