


The fear of God or Gods.

     I imagine that is is very hard to suffer from a case of Zuesophobia.  God is everywhere, and He knows everything so you could never hide under your bed to get away from God.  God knew you were going to hide under that bed before you did and He is already there waiting for you.  You couldn't even run away from God because, as I have already said, He is everywhere so, where would you run to?  You cannot even avoid God because he lives within you so, unless you can avoid yourself, you're are stuck in God's presence at all times.  On a side note, if you actually can avoid yourself shoot me some tips on your amazing skill of self avoidance in the comments below because this may be hard to believe but as awesome as I am, I still do tend to get on my nerves sometimes.
     I have covered some wild fears during this years A to Z challenge but I believe that Zuesophobia has got to be among the wierdest that we have explored here.  I feel like suffering from this fear would be awful even though I attempted to poke a little fun at it in the paragraph above.  God is love, and should be embraced, not feared.  I don't know the nature of this fear or understand it unless, zuesophobia is an Atheist only fear.  See that would make sense to me because atheists have many reasons to fear God.  I imagine the idea of passing on and finding out that they were wrong all along and now have to explain a lifetime of being just an all around basher of Christians and Godly people and religious institutions would be very frightening when you're explaining it all to your creator that you had spent your whole life denying.
     Well, we did it!  One more A to Z challenge in the bag!  Thank you to everyone who left your great comments and joined our Laughing at Life 2 family this year.  


  1. I have a story involving old gods and I kinda want to have someone minor have this fear.

  2. But an atheist wouldn't have this fear, because they don't believe in God. It's quite a conundrum.

    1. Excellent point Flip. Thanks for giving the final crane kick to the face to my fragile logic.

  3. As an atheist, I have no fear of a god. I also think that if there were a god (and he was worth respecting) he would prefer that I be a good person because it's the right thing to do, rather than fear of being smote. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    Enjoyed your A to Z challenge and will continue following your humor.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. You know what, I get so many bitter responses to a certain bit I wrote for this blog a while back and have just had a few other bad experiences in the past with atheists but I forget that there are also the non-abusive sort as well. Thanks for your support this year in the A to Z! It was fun!

  4. Interesting. I guess I can understand it to a degree, the all powerful and such. Though I wonder what one calls the fear of the followers. Nothing against any of the gods but some of the worshipers can get a little out of hand.

    Good job making it to Z.

  5. Shawn, I've enjoyed your posts this month so much! I look forward to your posts during the "normal" months, too.

    Congratulations on finding enough strange phobias to fill the alphabet!

    1. Thank you, I am really glad that you enjoyed it. I had fun doing it.

  6. Congratulations on completing the challenge!! I enjoyed reading your blog this year :)

    Loved your theme!

    1. Thank you, I had fun. I'm glad you liked it.

  7. Great series of posts and congratulations on finishing the challenge!

    1. Thanks F, I'm glad it's over but I had fun.

  8. Congratulations on achieving the challenge. Simply love this post, Shawn.

  9. I've loved reading your phobia themed posts during this challenge. Congratulations on persevering to the end! I wonder if there is a phobia about ending or coming to an end? I will continue to visit and read your posts even after the challenge.
    Mary from The View from my World

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the different funny fears. I look forward to seeing you back soon. Nice meeting you!

    This was a fun theme :) I enjoyed your posts. Congrats on finishing A to Z!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Tales of colors
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. LOL, I am glad that I used a theme and that people enjoyed it. Thank you for all your support.


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