


The fear of marriage or commitment

     Yes the fear that every man has, at least according to all of the TV, movies, and media that I have ever seen.  Not to brag or nothing, but I am a man and I have been married.  Yes, even I have faced my natural born gamophobia that all men struggle so hard with every day, despite of everything that Al Bundy, and Sam Kinison had taught me throughout my youth I got hooked up in the marriage trap once and got myself married.  It was just as horrible as Sam, and Al had told me it was going to be all along.
     So, one divorce down and looking for love, I must be super brave or really dense because I know I could get tricked again.  I'm just a sucker for all that gushy, gooey, stuff Hollywood and the media make up to get people to get married, have kids, and support the economy.  I do, on the other hand, know a lot of guys who are way smoother with girls than I ever have been that are dedicated to the cause of never falling in love and falling in to the marriage pit.

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  1. I wish you luck in whatever direction you decide to go in (ha, like your decision plays a role in the game of love!) Best advice is to find someone who can be your best friend and hopefully all the rest falls into place. Worked for me. 24 years.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. What if it did already but you messed it up?

  2. If it is true will come back ti you..if it dont it was not ment to be

  3. So I've learnt something new today, thanks to the #AtoZChallenge... a new word and what 'gamophobia' means. Still happily married though ;)

    1. I think it's awesome your happy in your marriage! Happy is always good.

  4. Good luck with your search!

  5. True love will find you, or you'll find it. And if not look at it this way: 'Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all ...
    Silvia @

  6. One would wonder if it's actually fear of commitment or fear of divorce and losing half of everything.

    1. Fear of divorce I can completely understand. No, from what I researched it is a fear of commitment.

  7. Ah, an interesting one. Though I can say my uncle does not suffer for sure from this, though one would think by now... Think he's had 5 divorces, or 6... something along those lines.

    Not married yet, but I hope someday. But I don't have gamophobia, so that's okay.

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn blog

    1. Those people who just keep getting married and divorced blow me away! My favorite are the ones who have married and divorced the same person multiple times.

  8. Ah, it's not that bad. Marriage that is.

  9. Visiting from A/Z; been married myself for 33 years, most of them happy, but I do know should I be the one left behind, I'm not planning to get married again. It was nice, but been there, done it, time to do something different.

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge!


  10. Why is it assumed thta only men have gamophobia? I can barely commit to tonights' dinner plans;)

  11. My younger brother has this after a committed relationship gone sour. Hope he will bounce back soon.


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