


     For the A to Z challenge this year here at Laughing at Life 2 I am exploring bizarre fears from my sarcastic point of view.  Today's fear is Frigophobia the fear of cold.
     Frigophobia is described as a persistent and unwarranted fear of coldness despite the understanding of the phobic individual that there is no danger of it.  Sufferers tend to bundle up in warm clothes and blankets regardless of the ambient air temperature.  Now, as a man, when I read that I automatically think that every woman I have ever known is a frigophobe.
     I have been hot and uncomfortable from the moment I began co-habitating with women.  And I've been stuck that way because no matter how hot I am the thermostat is off limits because she has two pairs of socks on and a blanket and swears that she's cold.  Even though there is no possible way that she can be.  But now, cue the light bulb, it all makes perfect sense.  She must have gotten cold one time and is terrified that one day she might feel that way again.
     I have the opposite feeling.  I HATE to be hot.  My Grandpa, a wise old man, always said you can put on more clothes, but you can only take off so much.  I can't function when I'm hot.  I can't sit still when I'm hot, I can't sleep when I'm hot, and I sure as hell can't be nice when I'm hot.  All I actually can manage to be when I'm hot is a big 'ol whine baby.   


  1. Dude--after this winter, I think I might have this... #atozchallenge #saynotosnow

    1. I know, I didn't think Jack Frost was ever going to leave.

  2. Interesting topic. I tend to run warm (unlike most women it seems) though this winter was chilly. But that was more me keeping the heater at 56-60 cause I didn't want to pay a high bill.

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn blog

    1. My electric bill gave me nightmares all winter and I also kept it cold.

  3. I hate the heat too. But my circulation isn't great (low blood pressure) so when I get cold, it takes forever for my feet to warm up. I try to remedy this with my dog rather than putting my ice cubes on my husband though!
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. Im sure your husband appreciates your dog for taking care of that lol

  4. Thanks for sharing these obscure fears; I'm getting a kick out of reading your posts. But I will NOT be kicking off the covers when my feet are cold. Just sayin'

  5. What a great post! I love this series that you are doing.

    I am one of those women who is always cold. And by always, I mean ALLLLLWAYS. Luckily for me, my husband doesn't mind the temperature in our house. Or at least he says he doesn't. Hmmmmm Maybe I should ask again? :)
    Amanda at His and Her Hobbies

  6. I am not a typical woman, I guess. I HATE having the heater on! I usually hate being hot. I do tell my husband not to touch the thermostat, but only because I don't him to switch on the heater.

    But then, I DO live in Southern California. We didn't even get a winter this year. Put me in the mid west and it's possible the heater would be my best friend.

    1. Maybe, you do have it pretty easy cold wise.

  7. As a woman, it's my theory that frigophobia was invented by a man who just didn't want to turn up the heat. lol Maybe I suffer from this. It was 68* when I left work and drove home with the AC on. But as soon as I walked in the door, I needed a sweatshirt. Then a blanket. The warmth of this laptop is currently keeping me warm ....

    1. Hilarious! You might be right on how this fear came about. Heating bills are expensive.

  8. Oh great. So now I'm a girl, that's what I was afraid of. I hate being cold. And other than the time I actually was on fire, I haven't had much problem with too hot.

    1. Yep, you might wanna get yourself checked out.

  9. You are probably stuck with that situation for a while. But once your wife (if you decide to take one) reaches the hot-flash stage, you will be the one wearing two pairs of socks!
    Gail visiting for AtoZ Tuesday is G for Gyrating Hips and Blue Suede Shoes

    1. See, I wouldn't mind that. I'd much rather be cold than hot so bring it on! Keep the mood swings though lol.

  10. If you ever meet me in the winter, you would be fairly sure I suffer from frigophobia.

  11. I don't suffer from frigophobia, because I really am cold all the time. And unfortunately I've lived all my life in a place that has 6 months of winter--or so it feels.

    I must be a good wife though because in the winter the thermostat is set to 68 degrees, as chosen by my husband, which means I'm wearing two layers of clothes. Constantly.

    In addition. I freeze in the summertime because the damn air conditioner is so high, I again, have to wear 2 layers in the house. Well maybe one and a half.

    Do you understand what it's like to be all comfortable, enjoying the beautiful summer heat outside, then go into some restaurant or whatever and freeze your butt off cause it's so damn cold?

    Probably not, cause you're a guy. :)

    1. I love walking by the dairy section in the supermarket. Being cool is my thing.


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