

Underwear Model

     I want to be an underwear model.  It looks like it would be a lot of fun, and I know I would be great at it.  I have worn underwear since I was first out of diapers, and I've always worn them really well.  I am also incredibly sexy, which is very important in being an underwear model.  No one wants to see ugly people in just their underwear.  That's exactly why light switches have an off option now isn't it?  There is only one thing stopping me from being an underwear model.  I'm discriminated against for being overweight.
     I think that is ridiculous because I look awesome in underwear despite my eating proficiency.  Most people that buy underwear in America are overweight because this is America, and America is the land of the fat.  So, I would sell underwear like crazy with my sexy belly rocking out above a fresh pair of Calvin Klein's.  Not like these current underwear models who just look like they need a sandwich, and something to do besides sit-ups.  It's time the fashion world faced facts, if you want to sell underwear in America today, you need to have a belly above that bulge.


  1. You have my vote! Waif like underwear models just make me want to throw a donut at them!

    1. Right?! We need healthy, well fed, sexy guys like me in those ads.

  2. Hey there. I have put a link to your blog on my post for E on the A - Z Challenge which is for Friday. My son Rocco is picking a number on the linky list at random and I post the link for each day. Hope you don't mind.

    Yes! Fly the flag for us fat guys!



    1. No, I don't mind at all. Thank Rocco for me!

  3. Damn cut and paste. It's for U which is today..

  4. If they took your advice I'd see more kids with confidence in their systems than antidepressants. Great post. Erik just put underwear model on his list right after Star Wars Trilogy. Thanks for stopping by my spot.

    1. Exactly, that was the message under the joke. We need to stop setting these ridiculous standards of beauty in our society.

  5. There was one ad from some underwear corporation that used normal looking women. Some had hips and bellies. It was refreshing to see. Now they need to do that with the men. Hey, thanks for stopping by. I enjoy good humor!

    1. I saw those ads. That was really sexy. There should be much more of that.

  6. Good luck pursuing your dream.

    In the meantime, you have an award to pick up over at The Squid.

    1. Thank you for the Liebster Award! I feel like an official blogger now! Time to get to work on my questions and my choices for blogs to award. Thanks!

  7. When will the advertisers realize that we want to see real clothes, modeled by real people? You definitely get my vote. :)


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