

Fear Of Panties

     Attention ALL guys out there in Internet land - Don't EVER be afraid of panties.  Panties can't hurt you.  Not that I know of anyway.  But, I know a lot of guys who are very scared of panties.  And that is so sad to me.  As a matter of fact I have a few friends that won't even go into the pantie section at the store.  
     I, on the other hand, happen to love the pantie section.  I enjoy buying my lady's panties.  It's sexy to me.  Hell, sometimes I even wear them damn things.  You should try it, they are fkn comfy as hell.  Plus your man business looks really great in them.
      I don't understand being afraid of women's underwear.  It's harmless and it's hella sexy.  The lacy kind?  Forget about it.  I like to help pick it out.  I'm secure and happy to be in the pantie section.  I love it.  Hell, pantie shopping gives me a chubby every time.  I don't feel insecure in the pantie section ever.  I'll even hold her purse for her.  And, I will rock that damn purse out like a boss while we do our pantie shopping.
     I just don't get being insecure and uncomfortable around sexy panties and bra's.  It just doesn't make any sense to me.  I see it all the time though.  Plus, I know a lot of guys who won't even go into the pantie section even with their lady much less hold her purse.  Not me though.  I love the pantie section.  It's the sexiest part of going to Wal-Mart.
     I like being involved in buying her clothes.  Its fun for me.  I mean all her clothes too.  Not just panties and bras.  It's hot.  I sit in the chair and wait while she tries each thing on then give it a thumbs down or a big willy up.  Its like playing dress up with a human dolly that you also get to have sex with.  It's awesome.
     So fellas, buck up.  Go shopping with your gal.  She will love it, and you'll get laid for doing it.  Plus, you look much more manly holding a purse.  Because, unless it's your Moms purse, its proof that your getting some.  So really, the purse is a badge of honor.  It's the fanny pack that makes you look gay.  Holding a purse doesn't make you look gay unless it's your purse.  But, then your probably trying out for Ru Paul's Drag Race or something.  And if that is the case you wouldn't be all uptight about looking gay now would you?


  1. Davinda Kapoor3/16/13, 5:51 PM

    Ur a sad little man…

    1. I am a sad little man? Well, your entitled to your opinion. Luckily my self confidence doesn't depend on your opinion. Hopefully you laughed. Either way thanks for coming and laughing with Laughing at Life,2. I appreciate your visit and your comment.

    2. Davinda Kapoor3/17/13, 2:49 PM

      *you're entitled…

  2. Davinda Kapoor, you have me baffled. I'd ask what offended you but the problem is, I do not care. Thanks for Laughing with Laughing at Life, 2.

  3. Hmm! Very nice.But you still have to know your lady as in her likes and dislikes cos she might be the one who hates going underwear shopping with a guy.

    1. Very true. It is EXTREMELY important to know your lady. I for one love to know my lady 110% ;)


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