

Making The Perfect Woman Throughout Time

I'm glad I live in this era but I can respect other time periods as well. I mean, you don't have to dig the clothing to respect the period of time do you? If so I can't really get with any of them as much, but I think it's the ideals more than the attire that matters here. Hopefully anyway because old clothing styles for women just make my wiener soft. I like the skin and sexiness of today mixed with all of the best things from the past generations. A kind of time period gumbo if you will...

My recipe would be just about equal parts of the following era's ingredients -

1. I would definatly want to keep today's female fashion because, like I said before, what good is a soft wiener? No good at all but I think each of these past era's still had it's good qualities they just hid their women way too much. Women are just too damn pretty to cover up. I say bring on the skin!

2. Then I'd mix in a little bit of the free love and open-mindedness of the 70's. Not the hygene mind you, just the spirit and the sex. Go ahead and mix in their weed as well but you can go ahead and bury all the other drugs with Hendrix and Joplin. Just gimme the disease free women and a fat sack thank you very much.

3. This next one won't be very popular but I want the prohibition of the 20's. But hold on drunkee, its only for the assholes. Assholes shouldn't drink at all so I will assemble a crack team to decide who the A-holes are and they get cut off from the hooch for good.

4. Next I'd stir in the motherly women of the 50's because I'm a guy and I'm also very lazy. And who doesn't like to be spoiled...Here's a fun little man fact for you - My Grandpa had been so overly spoiled throughout his life by women that he was left alone once by my Grandma and when he got hungry he just ate a whole damn bag of Oreo's and had a stroke, he didnt do it because he necessarily wanted to eat a whole bag of Oreo's he did it because he had no earthly idea how to even make a sandwich. The man built jet engines but couldn't master bread, meat, cheese, bread. But Grandma had always taken care of him and before her his Mother.
Well that's my mix y'all. Sounds pretty good if your into free love, herb, helpful women and your not an asshole. And yes ladies, I realize I'm an asshole for number 4 but I don't really like liquor anyway so its cool. I did tell you theres free weed right?

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