

Manly Love Advice - J is for Jiggle

Jiggle Her Cans

     Women want to know that you think that they are sexy. You have got to jiggle their cans every once in awhile so they know that you like their titties. They get self conscious about their bodies and need reassurance every once in awhile. If you can't remember the last time that you jiggled them titties give them a quick jiggle for good measure. You don't want to take her juggs for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Hey

    I wanted to ask...

    Does your man's behavior totally confuse you?

    Does he say one thing and do another?


    Saying he's going to call...but then????

    Crazy huh?

    If you have a few minutes, I'd like to introduce you to Bob.

    >>> Meet Bob Here! <<<

    Bob explains a lot of men's very weird behavior.

    And he reveals how you can use all of this behavior to your advantage.

    >>> Find Out How To Understand Your Man Here <<<

    And I love the part where he talks about "The #1

    Man Repellant In Existence."


    (Gabriel Alexander)


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