

2016 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Every Man's Hero
     As most of you already probably know by now I am very manly. Too manly maybe but probably not. I am most likely the perfect amount of manly. Anywho, I am an expert in the art of manliness and sex and as such I thought I could help out some of my readers who maybe need a little man friendly love advice.
     All throughout April here at L@L2 I'll be sharing my expertise with you, my loyal readers. I will give 26 free top notch man friendly pieces of love advice. One for every letter of the alphabet. It's very exciting for you I'm sure. I am pretty excited too. Stop by often during the month of April for our Manly Love Advice for this years A to Z Blog Challenge.


  1. This is sure to be a total hit or a complete flop! LOL I do hope it is at least PG rated. Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. Am I allowed to read even if I'm a woman? ;-)

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

  3. Paired with that picture, this theme is very promising :D And men educating man about love is a great idea. :) Cool theme!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary


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