

Old People

This year for the A to Z Challenge I have decided to get a little personal with my loyal readers. During this years A to Z I am going to explore 26 of my many pet peeves. I hate almost everything so filling the alphabet will be a breeze. Today we're on O so we will talk about Old People.
     Old folks bother me and I think the main reason is because they remind me that I am going to get old too. I hate to think about being mortal at all. I am really weirded out by the fact that I am slowly falling apart and will one day just die. I try to never think about things that have to do with aging because it scares me. I realise that this a ridiculous phobia of mine but I've never been able to shake it or deal with it.


  1. Old folks gave me no end of annoyances when I worked at Stop and Shop when I was nineteen! They'd leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot, block off aisles with their carts, take forever to pay for their groceries, not understand things, etc. One old guy tried to bag his own groceries, and the fruits fell out of the bag. I was forced to get on the floor to pick them up and bag them properly, since, as his wife said, "He can't bend."

    1. You are so much braver than me saying what I was too scared to say. Funny story.

  2. Yeah I'm not proud of it, but I have the same problem.

    1. Kinda glad I didn't back down and go with an easier o now.

  3. Just remember that the alternative to aging is worse.
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  4. I understand where you are coming from, but I also like to think about all the experiences and stories that old people have to share. Listening to my grandmother talk about things she did when she was young is very entertaining for me.

    Found on A-to-Z Challenge. We are almost done!


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