


The fear of words.

     I cannot even imagine being afraid of words.  If you are a verbophobic person and your reading this I applaud your bravery and will keep it short because I know this is hard and scary for you.  I imagine going most places is hard for a verbophobe because words are literally everywhere.  I would imagine that it is fairly hard to avoid running into words in today's literate world.
     This is not only a fear that is hard for me to understand but, to me, it is also a very sad fear.  Imagine being too afraid to read a good book.  Plus, how would you ever know that stars are just like US unless you can read US magazine?  Also, I bet you'd get a lot of parking tickets because you would be too afraid to read those complicated parking rules signs.  One positive would be that McDonalds and other delicious fast food restaurants embrace this fear and allow you to order your fattening treats with just pictures and numbers.  And people think that McDonalds doesn't care.

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  1. Seriously? A fear of words?! How does that even work? LOL Thanks for the education!

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    My A to Z
    Caring for My Veteran

  2. I do not know how a verbophobe copes. Your welcome.

  3. Ah yes, I can't imagine having this fear. Then again, I wouldn't be a writer or reader either if I did have it. hmmm Something to ponder.

    1. Very true. I found that if you are writing about verbophobia it is a little tough to understand it.

  4. Replies
    1. Kind of blows your mind what some people fear doesn't it?

  5. Aw, McDonald's...that gang of tender humanitarians.

    As a lover of words, I can't even imagine fearing them. How small your world would become. I'd take that fear of urine from yesterday over this one, hands down.

    1. I agree. This fear would cut you off from some great things. It would be sad to have this one.


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