


The fear of the Pope

     I know right?  Like what is possibly even a little bit scary about the Pope?  His hat would cast a kind of scary shadow on a wall I guess but, is that scary enough to cause for fear of the Pope?  I just don't see it.  I mean the Pope is always old and frail, and sitting down, and seems to be half asleep most of the time.  How is that scary?  Wasps are scary, the Pope is just boring to me really.  One thing he isn't to me though is scary.
     Now it's hard to say what causes this fear because as we've discussed here before fears are illogical.  One of the ideas I have had on how the Pope could possibly be feared were that these people believe that he not only represents God here on Earth, and speaks for God but he also has magic powers and if angered will shower his sorcery down upon them.  Another one I came up with was that these people are just really fearful of Hell and wanna get to Heaven and they feel that he is the gatekeeper and cannot possibly be pleased enough with their lives and choices to allow them safe passage.

Why do you think someone would be afraid of the Pope? Let us know below. Plus follow us and come back often soon! Thanks for stopping by and Laughing at Life 2!


  1. I'm not religious, so I wouldn't be afraid of the pope. Although this is probably the first one I'd enjoy talking to. I'd guess people who think he has the ear of God fear he could bring the wrath of God on them. Another reason I'm not religious!
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

  2. That is definitely a different fear.

    A to Z commenter
    Reading at Dawn blog

  3. Maybe the Jews during the Spanish Inquisition started this fear. I guess it would be a justifiable fear in that case.

    1. Any Holy type war for that matter really. From what I hear, those were specifically hateful and vicious.

  4. Hard to believe that enough people had these symptoms that it earned a name... :)

  5. I might be afraid of the pope! Who knows?

    1. Maybe. For all we know the Pope is really just Chuck Norris in an old man disguise waiting for the anti-christ to show up to scrap.


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