


The fear of mice

     In the interest of full disclosure here, I am a full grown 6ft tall, large man, and have this fear.  I get real jumpy if I see a mouse run across the floor like they do right in the corner of your vision.  It creeps me out very much the way mice scurry about and I'd scream like a ten year old girl with a skinned knee if one scurried all crazy fast across the floor right now.  
     I don't know why I am afraid of mice.  It's not like it makes any real sense.  I mean, mice are tiny, it couldn't really ever hurt me even if it wanted to.  Mice are very dirty though and give off, at least to me, a super creepy gross don't let that filthy little thing ever touch me sort of vibe.  If I ever see one I am seriously a big baby about it.  I don't care who is around.  That is why i think I like being a cat owner so much because a cat will protect you against mice.  My cat does at least.  If a mouse should ever decide to show up she will handle that unfortunate mouse for me quickly no problem.  I've seen her do it with a quickness and in that moment when she fearlessly ended that mouse to save me she became my hero.
     So yes, I am afraid of mice for no good reason at all other than they are nasty little filth speed balls.  I don't understand it but, fears are mostly illogical so it doesn't really matter anyway.  Thanks for stopping by for part M of my 26 part series on fears that I am doing for this years A to Z Challenge.  Comment below and join us while your here, but seriously though, most importantly, come back often soon.


  1. I have no problem with pet mice and would be fine holding and petting them. But I'm gonna scream if one runs across the floor. And if there's one outside or in the barn - one word - hantavirus.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

  2. We had mice in our first house and I remember my husband wanted us to trap one that was hanging out behind our entertainment unit. So he stood on one side and I stood on the other. Of course (probably sensing weakness) the mouse darted out on my side and instead of catching it, I screamed and jumped away. Mice- yuck.

  3. Ah, I have no problem with mice or any rodent-like creature. My mom, on the other hand, can't stand any of them. She wouldn't go near my dwarf hamsters even when they were in their cage. I've caught mice a couple of times, though the fun ones were catching the baby oppossums by hand. Long story there. lol

  4. Not a big fan of mice either. Congrats on making it to the half-way point with the challenge! :)

  5. speaking of Mice - have u read part 1 of hitchhikers gude to galaxy? If u did, u will start loking at them differently :)

    1. I haven't, feel like I need to now though.

  6. I despise mice and have been known to climb on the table to get away from them and if I see them scream like a girl which I am. But I also bet I could scream louder than you and move faster if we saw one at the same time.

    1. It'd be on if we did. I might be chubbly but I'd give you a solid run at it.

  7. I don't like any rodent with a tail. That's why I chop them off.

    I'm kidding... leave me alone PETA.

  8. Cartoon mice as well? Disneyland would be terrifying. Or more so than it already is.


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