


     For this years A-Z challenge I have chosen to explore obscure fears from A-Z.  All of the fears I have chosen to discuss were the ones for each letter that I found the most fascinating, or interesting that would be fun to mess around with Laughing at Life 2 style
     Today's fear is Cacophobia, which is the fear of ugliness.  Now, this one I can kind of understand.  Who hasn't ever seen someone so ugly it made you flinch when you looked directly at them?  I see people that ugly all the time and I just have to pretend they aren't ugly while I force my eyeballs to sustain eye contact with them out of pity and common courtesy.  Can you imagine how freeing it would be to not have to do that and instead just release a blood curdling scream upon the sight of the uglified individual as you turn tail to run away and find a place to hide from their hideousness.
     According to my research it's not just ugly people that a cacophobe fears but ugliness itself.  That would mean it is a fear of all things visually offensive which could also be very liberating.  Just think of it - you never have to go to your in-laws again because their furniture terrifies you.  You could just tell your wife that you love her parents it's just that their carpet and drapes scheme gives you waking nightmares.  Then you could stay home in your underwear and watch TV all by yourself.  Seems to me that cacophobia could potentially be a convenient way to avoid all the socially awkward situations life presents. 


  1. I don't have this fear. But I will occasionally see a person that is so hot it makes me mad.What right do they have to be that much better looking than me?! Bastards.

    1. Now see that I agree with. They are the real freaks.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying these.

  3. Beauty is skin deep...Ugly goes right to the bone! Interesting observation.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you stopped by. Come back soon and often!

  4. And I thought it would be a fear of...caca! That one I get - partly because I've spent many days shoveling it. Hmm, to get out of visiting the in-laws by a legitimate fear of their furniture. Might take some planning!
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. I like that idea. If I could fake having this fear that is the things that I would use it for.

  5. wow, to fear something that is so subjective.

    very interesting and something to think about.

    1. It is an odd one. I have always been terrified of heights so fears interest me but when I started this I had no idea that I would find some of the ones I did.

  6. So if one of these people find the color purple ugly, then they what, scream and turn tail to run? LOL! I can't believe this is an actual fear.

  7. That is a different one. Hope no one screams when they see me... would be an unpleasant moment for sure. Silent cowering, I'll accept, but my ears don't appreciate loud noises. Though now that I think about some things... neon pink? Oh the horror.

  8. om goodness .. never nice to see something that is visually displeasing .. good to know that it is an actual fear. Good excuse to use as in eg in laws' sofa that gives the heebie jeebies .. I'll remember that - 'no thanks, I have cacaphobia' when I refuse an invitation - no doubt it will ensure no more invitations ..
    Garden of Eden Blog

    1. True, but just think how much your me time will increase.

  9. This is really great and I'm enjoying your posts and waiting to see what come next. I wonder now if there's a name for the fear of wrinkles, and I mean facial ones, so common today that people turn themselves into something I could develop this fear, this cacophobia, after looking at their faces. I guess I will find out.

    1. There is a fear of developing wrinkles and since I hadn't planned on covering it I'll tell you now. It's rhytiphobia.

  10. Great idea for a theme. We are all afraid of something.


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