

2014 A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

     This will be my second year participating in the A to Z challenge and unlike last year, this year I plan to use a theme.  Last year I went theme-less and it was much harder to make it all the way through the alphabet flying blind than I had first thought it would be.  With my lesson thoroughly learned, I have now wised up and planned my challenge this year with a theme and I think this A to Z will go much more smoothly.
     Enough babbling about my experience with last years A to Z because the purpose of today's post is to babble about my theme for this years A to Z.  This year my theme is going to be interesting and obscure fears from A to Z.  For every letter of the alphabet I am going to explore a phobia that I never knew existed from Laughing at Life 2's satirical point of view.  Some examples of what phobias you can expect to learn about are things like anemophobia, which is of course the fear of wind.  I hope everyone will enjoy discovering these not-so-well known phobias here at Laughing at Life 2 during this years A to Z.  I know I had fun discovering them and writing about them.  Thanks for stopping by for my theme reveal and I hope to see you all right back here on April 1st to kick off the challenge. 


  1. I LIKE that idea, Shawn! Will definitely have to follow along. Might come across one that I'll have to pin on one of my future characters. Perhaps when NaNo rolls around this year. ;-)

    1. Absolutly! I'm sure you will find at least one that would be a cool quirk to give a character.

  2. Love this theme. I just might have to steal some ideas for a character!

    1. I'm sure you will find some. I was blown away by some of the phobias I discovered researching this theme so I'm sure a lot of my visitors will be as well. Hope to see you back here in April!

  3. Oh that sounds interesting and educational :) Happy A to Z!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you back in April!

  4. Fears from A to Z, now that is a cool idea. I will definitely return to see what you have for us. I think heights is my biggie, but I do go on some roller coasters, eyes closed and everything. See you very soon.
    Silvia @

    1. Heights is by far my biggest fear. Not only can I not manage to get on a roller coaster, my legs lock up hallway up a ladder. Thanks for stopping by, come back soon and often!

  5. How interesting!
    I haven't thought much about phobias. I suppose they'll come in handy in the future...

    anna @ Deeply Shallow

    1. Yeah, I hope it will be fun exploring the different weird phobias during the challenge.

  6. Wow. What a theme. I have to stick with you for this one, if only to see how many I recognise in myself!
    Keith Channing
    Our parking space on the Information Super-highway
    A storey of stories

    1. I'm glad you like the theme. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about them here with me.

  7. Shawn, I *love* this! Phobias from A to Z--what a fantastic theme. Especially with that sarcastic wit of yours :D Very much looking forward to it.

    Thanks for stopping by at
    Quiet Laughter: The Mighty Theme Reveal
    earlier, and for the super nice comment--much appreciated. Glad you joined the reveal!

  8. Thanks, I love the idea of the theme reveal to get everyone ready for the challenge so it's my pleasure to participate.

  9. Welcome back to another year of alphabet fun!

    I'm partial to your theme. When I was a senior in high I accumulated a list of phobias because I was interested in psychology. That was before the internet so finding these was a bit of a challenge. I''ll see which ones I remember. Just don't make up any phobias like has become so popular these days--"phobia" used to be a disorder and not a disagreement.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. I will not intentionally make up any phobias. I actually will now do some more research just to make sure because some of the ones that I found were quite odd.

  10. Great theme! I'm excited to see what you come up. with ... but do you plan on writing about frogs? Because I may or may not have a phobia

    1. I have actually researched a fear of frogs that I am still on the fence of whether or not I will use because I have another for that particular letter that I also like. So, we shall see. As a favor to you if I do use it I won't include a picture of a frog.

  11. Replies
    1. I'm glad you like the idea. Make sure you come back often.

  12. Boy, the themes are super cool this year! Good luck with A to Z!

    1. They are aren't they? I found some great ones too. Come back soon and often.

  13. Wow! What an awesome theme! I'm assuming you will write in the same breezy style (i.e. babbling this year v. babbling last year) which I find totally amusing! Hoping you will write about melophobia. I couldn't find a "fear of the viola" term, although I know many people who are afrighted of this instrument. Me? I hate the violin. More appropriately, I hate playing the violin. I play AT the violin, yet idiots continued to hire me to do so before I "retired". The only thing worse than playing the violin, was playing Mozart on the violin, because I REALLY, REALLY HATE Mozart. That right there, sir, is Hell in a barrel! I can't wait to read your phobia posts and I am really looking forward to writing in this challenge with you! Mary aka Viola Fury A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest – Sign Up Now #atozchallenge #atozreveal

    1. I can assure you that my style will be be a huge part of my posts as always. I will have to look and see if I can find an actual fear of the violin. LOL. See you in April and thanks for visiting and commenting.

  14. Sounds interesting. Would have to watch out for that.
    Sania at Fragile Words

    1. Thanks and please do. I'd love to see you back.

  15. Oh, this one sounds great!!! Can't wait to see what you've come up with.

    Carrie~Anne at That Dizzy Chick

    1. It should be really fun. Thanks for stopping by and come back often!

  16. Great theme! Will be checking in to read them.

    1. Thank you, I hope you enjoy discovering all the odd phobias.

  17. Sounds like a great choice for your A-Z theme. I bet you will include lots of creepy, weird things.

    1. Yes I will. The weird and creepy will be flowing.

    2. What a great theme! Phobias are fascinating. I'm looking forward to reading your posts every day.

    3. Thanks. I hope you enjoy it. I'm excited that there is so much interest in the phobia theme.

  18. This is perfect, as I have tired of my usual fears! ;)

    1. Lol, yeah. This will be a cool way to pick up some new more eccentric ones.

  19. This sounds like a whole lot of interesting fun and quite the Challenge. Like you I went themeless in the first year and fund it harder to make it through. I've been themed ever since. Good luck with the Challenge.

    1. Thanks, you too. I probably will be themed from now on as well. It has already been a lot less stressful and the challenge has yet to even start.

  20. I thought about doing phobias for the challenge, but then I remembered that I'm a hypochondriac, and I'd likely give myself a few more things to be nervous about, and I already have a medical dictionary worth of things I'm already afraid of.

    That said, I'll peek in to see what you've got for us, but if I can't leave my house again afterwards, it's on your head. :P

    N J Magas, speculative fiction author, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.

    1. I look forward to increasing your neurosis here in April ;)


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